Bachelor of Science in Communication



120 credit hours

Program Length

as few as 48 months


Accredited by ABHE

Learn how to communicate Christ creatively 

Are you ready to embark on a dynamic journey into the world of communication? Choosing Columbia International University for your bachelor’s degree in Communication opens the door to a transformative educational experience that will equip you with the skills and knowledge to excel in a wide range of exciting and fulfilling careers. Our comprehensive Communication program goes beyond traditional boundaries, empowering you to navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of computer technology, digital media production, public relations, photography, marketing, advertising, media writing and editing, news writing, customer service as well as missions and church-related ministries. 

At CIU, we believe that competent communication goes beyond technical proficiency. It requires a solid foundation in both the timeless truths of Scripture and a comprehensive understanding of the contemporary world. Our bachelor’s degree in Communication program is carefully designed to equip you with the necessary tools to communicate effectively in today’s diverse and rapidly evolving society. Through a combination of theory and practical application, you will learn how to harness the power of technology, engage with various audiences and creatively express your faith. 

Our Communication common core provides a well-rounded education in essential disciplines that contribute to effective communication. From courses in interpersonal communication and public speaking to media production and digital storytelling, you will gain a comprehensive skill set that encompasses both traditional and emerging forms of communication. Our experienced faculty, who are seasoned professionals in their respective fields, will guide and mentor you, helping you develop your unique strengths and talents. 

What sets our program apart is the integration of faith and learning. At CIU, we believe that communication is a powerful tool for advancing the Kingdom of God. Throughout your journey, you will be challenged to deepen your understanding of God’s Word and apply biblical principles to your communication practices. Our faculty will not only equip you with practical skills but also encourage you to cultivate virtues such as integrity, empathy and cultural sensitivity into your communication endeavors. 

Camilla Kost

Why Choose Columbia International University

At CIU, we understand the power of effective communication in today’s interconnected world. Our program is designed to provide you with a strong foundation that encompasses both theory and practical application. Through engaging coursework, hands-on projects and real-world experiences, you will develop essential skills such as strategic thinking, persuasive storytelling, multimedia production, critical analysis and intercultural communication. 

One of the key strengths of our program is the integration of faith and learning. We believe in the transformative impact of communication rooted in biblical principles. As you explore the intricacies of communication theory and practice, you will be encouraged to think critically, ethically and compassionately, guided by a biblical worldview. Our dedicated faculty, who are experienced professionals in the field, will mentor and support you throughout your academic journey, helping you apply your communication skills to make a positive impact in various contexts. 

CIU prioritizes hands-on experience and industry connections. You will have opportunities to collaborate on real-world projects, participate in internships with reputable organizations and engage in networking events with industry professionals. These experiences will not only enhance your learning but also provide you with a competitive edge as you enter the job market. 

Join our vibrant community at CIU, where you will find a supportive and inclusive environment that nurtures your growth and prepares you to thrive in the diverse and ever-evolving field of communication. Whether your passion lies in digital media, public relations, marketing, journalism or mission-driven communication, our program will equip you with the skills, knowledge and industry insights you need to succeed. 

Invest in your future and become a confident, influential communicator. Choose Columbia International University for your bachelor’s degree in Communication and embark on a transformative educational journey that will shape not only your career but also your character and impact in the world.  

Featured Faculty

Ken Rife

Director of Communications Programs, Associate Professor of Communication and Digital Media Production

What Will I Study?

In addition to the undergraduate core, here are degree specific-courses you can expect to take:

  • COM 2731 Graphic Design

    In this course, you will focus on the elements and principles of graphic design, including how to implement those principles through various projects with the Adobe Creative Suite programs of Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign. You will explore typography, page layout, and logo design while working with photos and illustrations. The course will give the you both the theory of good design and hands-on, practical experience in each of the above software applications.

    3.00 credit hours
  • COM 3410 Digital Photography

    This course is an introduction to the basics of digital photography. Through lecture, demonstrations, evaluation of photographs, and photo assignments, you will be exposed to the basics of still photography. The class will focus on the use of aperture, shutter speed, ISO, and white balance, and discover how each of these, working separately and with each other, affects the picture. Lighting, composition, styles, and flash photography will be explained.

    3.00 credit hours
  • COM 3712 Video Production

    In this course, you will be introduced to the fundamental principles of video production. From the techniques required to shoot independent video to working for a television station, you will gain valuable insight into the production techniques required to become a videographer. Emphasis will be placed on terminology, concepts, elements, and techniques of video production, lighting, camera control, audio production, writing, producing, and directing.

    3.00 credit hours
  • COM 3720 Webpage Design and Development

    In this course, you will develop a thorough and practical understanding of the standards and conventions used in creating useable and accessible websites, while gaining the experience of creating a website using standards-compliant XHTML and CSS by incorporating standard web-based design software. By the end of this course, you will have developed an understanding of the functions and uses of the web and be able to create business-suitable websites that are usable and accessible.

    3.00 credit hours
  • COM 4450 Communication Senior Experience

    You will gain valuable experience working in positions within CIU's diverse organization and university departments. Your role may include participating as a media consultant, videographer, public relations coordinator, audio technician, marketing consultant, or working in other communication/media-related fields. You will apply your classroom knowledge to real-world work experience, providing CIU with concentrated attention from seniors who will give a fresh look at CIU's media and communication environments. Each student will work under the supervision of a faculty and/or staff member. Repeatable, two-semester limit. Limited to seniors who have earned a minimum GPA of 2.75 and who are in good standing with the University. Authorization of Communication Department required.

    3.00 credit hours
  • COM 4715 Live Production

    This course will prepare you to develop production skills in a live performance setting involving conferences, meetings, worship services, seminars and concerts. You will learn to stage and troubleshoot multi-camera video (iMAG), live sound (sound reinforcement), lighting (stage and house, fixed and movable) and video projection (house and confidence monitors). You will also learn how to develop and display presentations using ProPresenter, Media Shout and Powerpoint. Developing professional etiquette, maintaining professional relationships and communicating effectively with peers, artistic team, and technical staff will also be explored.

    3.00 credit hours
  • COM 1500 Introduction to Social Media

    This course examines the history, development, and impact of existing social media in todays media environment. Emphasis is placed on the sustainability of the social media and its influence on communicating messages via social media. (3)

    3.00 credit hours
  • COM 2150 Human Communication & Interaction

    This course is designed to help you understand the dynamics of engaging the inseparable connection between human relationship and human communication. This course will highlight the roles that interpersonal connections play in casual discussions as well as the fundamental communication concepts of today. Small group communication, interpersonal dynamics, conflict resolution, verbal and nonverbal communication, and the use of technology in communication in everyday life will be topics of the course.

    3.00 credit hours
  • COM 2210 History of Communication and Media

    This course is a presentation of the history of media in the United States from its early beginnings to the present emergence of the Internet, HDTV, and MP3. Through this course, you will become acquainted with all aspects of media, including the information super highway, electronic magazines, TV, film, radio, and other media formats. You will learn the events surrounding the inception of these media, the cultural significance they serve today, and the role they will have in the future.

    3.00 credit hours
  • COM 2220 Communication, Research, Theory, and Design

    In this course, you will focus on the theories of communication, the research techniques required to effectively gain knowledge about communication and media, and the process involved in designing, planning, and producing media. You will also explore how to implement technology that effectively employs the use of educational media and instructional technology to enhance learning, teaching, communication, and ministry.

    3.00 credit hours
  • COM 3470 Integrated Marketing Communication

    In this course, you will focus on the strategic process whereby an organization coordinates all of its communications activities - advertising, public relations, and marketing - into one efficient department, which provides efficiency, clarity, and consistency for the organization's total integrated marketing program.

    3.00 credit hours
  • COM 3510 Christians, Media, and Culture

    In this course, you will examine the various aspects of the media, including TV, film, books, and music, and explore how our faith and our culture is being presented both in positive and negative ways. You will also explore how faith, film, TV, and culture mutually influence one another. You will be expected to engage in, view with discernment, and explore relevant alternatives to the process of media and culture, with a focus on developing the ability to determine your impact on media and ultimately on culture and gaining perspective on culture, its impact on media, and ultimately on the Christian. You will be challenged with developing an active perspective toward media and its ability to create, influence, and support culture. The main skill you will practice in this course is theological criticism.

    3.00 credit hours
  • COM 3888 Communication Study Tour

    Section 1: Digital Media Major (NY); Section 2: Communication & Media Arts Majors (Orlando). This is a study tour (normally during spring break) that emphasizes the use of media and creativity in culture and ministry. Students will travel to key media centers in order to see and experience the integration of various aspects of media into professional ministries and organizations. Register through TraveLearn.

    3.00 credit hours
  • COM 4430 Professional Leadership Development

    In this course, you will examine the principles, skills, techniques, and ideas essential to developing the leadership capacity necessary for achieving success in today's world, focusing on both external relationships and understanding the tools necessary to develop a confident, professional image. You will engage in understanding your core values, writing long/short-term goals, and developing a usable and efficient resume. Time management, personal budgets, and the development of a philosophy of leadership will be emphasized.

    3.00 credit hours
  • COM 4930 Internship in Communication

    The Communication Internship Program is designed to provide in-depth experience in various facets of the communication field in marketplace, mission, and ministry experience environments. The program is fundamentally an educational experience. You will use observation and actual experience under the joint supervision of college faculty and experienced professionals serving as supervisors to better prepare yourself to become a world Christian who serves God with excellence in cross-cultural, church, marketplace, and other ministry roles.

    3.00 credit hours
For a comprehensive list of courses related to this program visit the Academic Catalog.

Accreditation and Accolades

ABHE (The Association for Biblical Higher Education)
SACSCOC (The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges)

Career Path Opportunities 

  • Public Relations 
  • Digital Media Producer 
  • Photographer 
  • Marketing Representative 
  • Media Writer or Editor 
  • Spokesperson 
  • Production Designer 
  • Video Producer 
  • Live Production Director 

Top FAQs

Will this program help me to develop essential disciplines in the field of media and communication?

Absolutely! The bachelor’s degree in Communication program at Columbia International University is designed to equip you with the essential disciplines and skills needed to excel in the field of media and communication. Through a comprehensive curriculum, you will explore various aspects of communication, including interpersonal communication, media production, public speaking, journalism, digital media and more. Our experienced faculty will guide you through hands-on projects and practical assignments that will enhance your knowledge and expertise in the field. By the end of the program, you will have developed a solid foundation in the essential disciplines of media and communication, preparing you for a successful career in this dynamic field.

Will I learn to integrate biblical truth into the display of media for marketplace and ministry organizations?

At Columbia International University, we understand the importance of integrating biblical truth into the display of media, whether for marketplace or ministry organizations. Throughout the bachelor’s degree in Communication program, you will have opportunities to explore the integration of faith and media. Courses such as Media and Culture and Media Ethics will challenge you to critically examine media practices from a biblical perspective. You will also have the opportunity to develop media projects that reflect biblical values and communicate the message of Christ effectively. Our faculty, who are committed Christians and experienced professionals in the field, will guide you in integrating biblical truth into your media projects, enabling you to create impactful and meaningful content for marketplace and ministry settings.

Is it possible for me to communicate Christ creatively while developing greater competency?

Absolutely! The bachelor’s degree in Communication program at Columbia International University fosters the development of creativity while effectively communicating Christ. Through a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical application, you will be encouraged to think critically, explore innovative ideas, and apply creative solutions to communication challenges. Courses such as Creative Thinking and Digital Storytelling will help you develop your creative skills and unleash your potential to communicate Christ in fresh and compelling ways. Our faculty, who are experts in their fields, will provide guidance and mentorship to help you cultivate greater competency in creativity. By the end of the program, you will be equipped with the skills and mindset to communicate Christ creatively, making a lasting impact in the world.

Will this program enable me to understand how communication principles and mass media theory create effective communication strategies?

Yes, the bachelor’s degree in Communication program at Columbia International University will enable you to understand how communication principles and mass media theory create effective communication strategies. Through courses such as Communication Theory and Mass Communication, you will explore the foundational principles that underpin effective communication strategies. You will gain insights into audience analysis, message development, and the impact of media on society. By studying mass media theory, you will learn how to navigate the evolving media landscape and leverage various communication channels to reach your intended audience. Our faculty, who are experts in the field, will provide you with the knowledge and tools necessary to develop effective communication strategies that align with your goals and values.

How will this program teach me to communicate Christ effectively in today’s mass, social and broadcast media marketplace?

The bachelor’s degree in Communication program at Columbia International University is designed to prepare you to communicate effectively in today’s mass, social, and broadcast media marketplace. Through a combination of theoretical coursework and hands-on practical experience, you will develop the skills and knowledge needed to navigate and thrive in the ever-changing media landscape. Courses such as Media Production, Social Media Management, and Broadcast Journalism will provide you with practical skills in content creation, audience engagement and media management. Additionally, you will have opportunities to work on real-world projects, collaborate with industry professionals and gain valuable insights into industry trends. By the time you graduate, you will be well-equipped to communicate effectively in various media platforms, making a meaningful impact in the marketplace.

Can I write effectively for the social and mass media disciplines with this major?

Absolutely! Effective writing is a crucial skill in the field of communication, especially for social and mass media disciplines. The bachelor’s degree in Communication program at Columbia International University will equip you with the necessary skills to write effectively in these contexts. Throughout the program, you will have the opportunity to develop your writing skills through courses such as Media Writing, Journalism and Content Creation. These courses will teach you the principles of writing for a variety of media platforms, such as social media, online publications and broadcast. You will learn how to craft compelling messages, engage your target audience, and adapt your writing style to suit various communication contexts. With the guidance of our experienced faculty, you will enhance your writing abilities and be well-prepared to communicate effectively in the social and mass media disciplines.

Will this program help me to develop essential disciplines in the field of media and communication?

Yes, the bachelor’s degree in Communication program at Columbia International University will help you develop essential disciplines in the field of media and communication. Our program offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers a wide range of disciplines within the field. From interpersonal communication to media production, public relations to marketing, you will gain a broad understanding of the various disciplines that contribute to effective communication. Our experienced faculty, who are experts in their respective fields, will guide you through coursework and practical projects that will sharpen your skills and deepen your knowledge. By the end of the program, you will have developed essential disciplines that are highly valued in the media and communication industry, positioning you for success in a variety of careers.


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